My Goals for 2024 were to

2024 has been a year of growth and learning. I feel like I’ve evolved and made significant changes in my life. I’m incredibly proud of everything I’ve achieved this year. While not all my goals were met, I know my identity and values have shifted, and I’m committed to continuing my journey of self-improvement. Now, let’s dive into my reflection.

Have Fun!

Pre 2024: To be truly honest, in most of my college I feel like I am not having fun racing and doing workouts. I do enjoy running and hope to re-learn how to enjoy the process again.

Post 2024: I feel like I have found my fun in racing and working out this year. I found it by focusing on being grateful to be able to compete and work hard along side some of the best people that I know.

Stay Competitive

Pre 2024: This goes hand and hand with having fun as this is where the joy comes from. Too often I measure success on how time. Instead, I am focusing my attention on staying competitive and not worrying about what other think of me or what others are doing.

Post 2024: Being competitive during races has greatly improved but is still a work in progress, I still sometimes worry about other people catching me during races but now do not compare myself to others and also focus on being present in the moment of races.

Do The Little Things

Pre 2024: It is important that I do the little things correctly such as sleeping, drinking, eating, and doing the stuff the coaches tell us to do. On top of this I might need to do my own things as well. I need to make I do these things even though I may feel tired or do not want to do them.

Post 2024: During the first half of the year I did a really good job doing all the little things correct and I had my first full healthy season for outdoor track. However after re-evaluating during the summer I realized that everything that I was doing over the outdoor track season was too much to be sustainable so I decided that I cut some of the little things I was doing and this helped me not be too focused on running and I found a balance of what I need to do. Overall really happy that I did all the little things and learned a lot of what my body needs.

Stay Postive

Pre 2024: I feel like I do a good job at this, however there is always room for improvement. I think making sure I stay positive and not getting angry at others when I am stress could be improved. Additionally, making sure I am kind and not bring anyone down could always be improved.

Post 2024: This year my identity on how I view the world was greatly changed and I started to working on being grateful for many of the things in my life. As a result this trinkled down and help me stay positive and keep looking forward went things got tough. The most important thing that I think I learned was that it is okay to be down sometimes and you should not always be positive but it is my responsibility to choose how I act when things happen.

Continue to work on the Website

Pre 2024: Through this website I hope to document to include a little snippet of what I do each day along with one bloggish post a week for fun!

Post 2024: My website did not get off to a good start and I started using my website during the summer however was inconsistent. However after creating a schedule for myself during the school year, I was able to post nearly weekly during the fall semester. Here is to more consistent posting during 2025!

Do Fun Things

Pre 2024: Too often I feel like all I do is, Sleep, Exercise, and Study. I hope for each week of school, on a weekday, do at least one thing that is fun and not something that is a routine thing. This could be visiting the REC center, Rock climb, movie night, go out, etc.

Post 2024: I have stacked myself with many things to do such as running, studying, classes, clubs and work so I am very busy and sometimes do not always have time to fun thing but I do not get super stress and always make time for the people around me. So with that I am not sure about the nature of how this one worked out but what I can say I am still having fun doing what I do and do not dread doing the things I committed to too much. We will see how 2025 goes I guess.

Stop Nail Biting

Pre 2024: For my whole life I have bitten my nails. This is one of the hardest habits I have tried to break. I know it is going to be hard, but I really want to stop.

Post 2024: This one is interesting since I stop biting my nails in waves. I stopped for a little bit at the beginning of the year but then continued up until the end of summer where I was able to not bite my nails for a whole month but once I got back to school I started biting them again. However even though this goal failed, I know that my trigger is when I get bored which happens when I am at the classroom so now I know what is causing it and can try to figure out some solutions that might work.

Start Reading

Pre 2024: I really do enjoy reading books but only do so when I am not “busy”. I want to read at least 10 different books this year and try to incorporate reading into my normal schedule and not only during times that I am free.

Post 2024: I started to read at the end of March and was doing pretty well up until the start of the fall semester. Things got really busy and it took a while to be able to finish a book. I eventually stopped reading around October however I was able to read finish 13 books this year. Here is to more in 2025!

Limit Useless Social Media

Pre 2024: Too often I find myself on an endless scroll of media. This is not a healthy habit and I hope to replace it with other things so I could be more productive. Some things that come to mind are reading or replacing it with chess since that is a bit more productive.

Post 2024: I changed many things in my phone this year and it worked really well. I cut down my screen time on my phone by half which is awesome however I know I am still addicted and severely dependent on my phone since it gives me anxiety. I am happy with the progress that I have made and look forward to seeing how things go in 2025.