My Goals for 2024 are to
Have Fun!
To be truly honest, in most of my college I feel like I am not having fun racing and doing workouts. I do enjoy running and hope to re-learn how to enjoy the process again.
Stay Competitive
This goes hand and hand with having fun as this is where the joy comes from. Too often I measure success on how time. Instead, I am focusing my attention on staying competitive and not worrying about what other think of me or what others are doing.
Do The Little Things
It is important that I do the little things correctly such as sleeping, drinking, eating, and doing the stuff the coaches tell us to do. On top of this I might need to do my own things as well. I need to make I do these things even though I may feel tired or do not want to do them.
Stay Postive
I feel like I do a good job at this, however there is always room for improvement. I think making sure I stay positive and not getting angry at others when I am stress could be improved. Additionally, making sure I am kind and not bring anyone down could always be improved.
Continue to work on the Website
Through this website I hope to document to include a little snippet of what I do each day along with one bloggish post a week for fun!
Do Fun Things
Too often I feel like all I do is, Sleep, Exercise, and Study. I hope for each week of school, on a weekday, do at least one thing that is fun and not something that is a routine thing. This could be visiting the REC center, Rock climb, movie night, go out, etc.
Stop Nail Biting
For my whole life I have bitten my nails. This is one of the hardest habits I have tried to break. I know it is going to be hard, but I really want to stop.
Start Reading
I really do enjoy reading books but only do so when I am not “busy”. I want to read at least 10 different books this year and try to incorporate reading into my normal schedule and not only during times that I am free.
Limit Useless Social Media
Too often I find myself on an endless scroll of media. This is not a healthy habit and I hope to replace it with other things so I could be more productive. Some things that come to mind are reading or replacing it with chess since that is a bit more productive.